Do not call me a dancer
Choreography Giorgia Lolli
with Erica Barusco, Carlotta Maucioni,
Viviana Sanfilippo, Diletta Torelli
Sound design Sebastian Kurtén
Light design Elena Vastano
Costume design Nuvia Valestri
Graphics Marcos Krivocapich
Production MM Contemporary Dance Company, with the support of MiC - Italian Ministry of Culture and SIAE - Per Chi Crea 2023​, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Comune di Reggio Emilia, Centro Permanente Danza​

Isadora Duncan (San Francisco, 1877 – Nice, 1927) is remembered for her light dances, flowing tunics, and bare feet. Nearly a century after the iconic scarf that ended her life by getting caught in the wheels of a car, the timeless legacy of a woman who changed the history of dance forever is entrusted to four Gen Z dancers and a choreographer who, like Isadora, is a Gemini with Venus in Gemini.​

> Aterballetto CCN National Choreographic Center, Reggio Emilia (première), 25 September